This one is a bumper newsletter so get comfy and join me as I share highlights of my trips and my favourite winter comfort food dishes with accompanying YouTube videos. At the end you there’s also a bonus “for subscribers only” recipe which you will only find here, so please remember to save it. Let’s get this winter warmer party started!

Paris & NYC Roundup
I was lucky enough to spend the first two weekends of the year on different continents – Paris with all the boys, my mother and sister for an epic 4 day family wedding extravaganza and NYC for a quick reunion with some friends dear to my heart. Despite limited exploring time in both cities I still managed my fair share of bakeries and specialty stores.
Here are my top hits, starting with Paris:
I hadn’t been to Paris in years so I knew there was a lot of new bakery ground to cover. But with the full gang in tow I did find myself somewhat distracted by shops and compelled to dovetail in a little culture to our trip. I will never again visit Paris without earmarking ample time for detailed browsing in Merci, the shop for everyone and everything from fashion to homewares, gifts & irresistible chachkes you just need in your life to books and even a cafe. I wanted to move in. Walking the streets of Le Marais with the boys maybe meant less bakeries, multiple trips to Miznon and more streetwear, but through this voyage of discovery I stumbled across Gomina a treasure trove of Japanese denim, workwear and vintage pieces. A random recommendation but one that I just felt I had to share.
On the food front there was absolutely no way that I would miss a pilgrimage to the La Grande Epicerie at Le Bon Marche, arguably the world’s best curated food hall, which I conveniently tied in to a little culture at the Fondation Cartier, an absolutely exquisite exhibition space and garden. I had one of my top 5 babkas at Mamiche, basically ate everything on offer at Yann Couvreur (because I haven’t managed to make it to the London outpost yet) and was particularly blown away by the hazelnut cookie. And I couldn’t miss a trip to Boulangerie Utopie to try the award winning baguette (amongst a plethora of other delicacies) and safe to say it was the closest thing to perfection I have ever tasted. Hands down, the best coffee of the weekend at Fauna, a little Scandinavian cafe around the corner from our hotel whose little breakfast cheese sandwiches were a throwback to my absolute favourite things to eat in Copenhagen.
New York was less of a voyage of discovery and more of a return to my old favourites. I rushed straight off the plane to Pastis for a quick lunch at the bar before a failed attempt to see the Alvin Ailey exhibition at the Whitney. Note to self do not try to enter a museum in New York with a carry on suitcase. Its strictly verboten and the guards are completely unswayable.
To quell my jet lagged frustration and with carry on bag in hand I consoled myself with a Seed + Mill tahini soft serve sundae which instantly made everything better before heading to Riverdale for a little family time. A cool 18 hours downtown allowed me catch up with a few old friends, sneak into the bar at Frenchette for a pretty perfect steak tartare washed down with a crisp martini.
Early the following morning I set off to finally get my greedy fingers on a Popup Bagel (obviously got sucked into some merch too) and instantly became one of those people who stand in the freezing cold on Thompson Street dipping their oven fresh, steaming hot bagel in the tub of schemer. In case you are wondering, it was worth it.
I then nipped across Washington Square Park, where there’s always some live entertainment to Hani’s, THE new bakery in town to buy one of everything for our 36 hour road trip to the end of the Island. Because a reunion with this crowd of exceptional women is never without treats, I did procure a good selection of both savoury and sweet for our car snacks. I was not only completely taken by the pumpkin muffin and the insane pistachio halva rice crispy treat (I am not normally either a muffin or a rice crispy treat fan), but Hani’s was arguably the best piece of banana bread thats ever crossed my lips (and I’ve had a few). I cannot wait to come back and try everything I didn’t sample on my first visit. 36 hours by the ocean, even in the winter, with beautiful friends completely filled my cup and I returned with a spring in my step and a host of new ideas for the home and all our plates.
Let’s Embrace Comfort Season
While it maybe took me a hot second to gather myself in front of my screen and send news, I’ve been cooking away the winter blues in the kitchen, comforting myself and anyone else who walks through the door with warm, soothing bowl food…..because a hug in a bowl is a January essential. Here are my two favourites of the month:
Lemony Lentils, a golden pot of goodness and joy are my version of a somewhat bastardised dahl packed with fresh flavours. The perfect midweek after work pick me up or quick lunch or simple meal to share with friends, they can be on the table in literally 30 minutes and will just make you feel both virtuous and fabulous. See me make them here.
Miso Honey Apple Crumble is like a gift from the dessert gods. It’s still the humble crumble that we all know and love, but with sweet honey caramelisation and a hint of miso umami to elevate it to undeniably out of this world. I cannot wait for you to make this recipe. If you are still not convinced about this combo, let me convince you here.
Both the recipes are on the site and YouTube alongside serving suggestions and all my tips and tricks for success. (Please do subscribe, it makes a meaningful difference and helps me massively. I promise I will continue to keep you amused with my kitchen adventures)
And because I am so grateful for your unwavering support and for following along on this cooking journey, I have a bonus winter warming recipe especially for subscribers today. Made with pantry staples, it’s the perfect dish to make in a quiet moment and keep in the fridge for one of those time poor moments when you still gotta eat.
(If you are reading this on the site and not because this newsletter slid into your inbox, it means you are not yet subscribed to Building Feasts. Please do subscribe, and if you would like the recipe, please email me at and I will send you the bonus recipe).
As always, it’s such an honour to be here with you. Thank you for being on this journey with me and let’s make this a delicious year together. xx